Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Buying NYC Condos: Find the Right Neighborhood

New York City condos
Find the right New York City Condo
Whether you are buying or renting New York City condos or apartments, it is important to check out the neighborhood and make sure it is the right fit for you and your family. No matter how beautiful and convenient the place is that you have found, a bad neighborhood could put you out looking for a new place in a matter of months.

Make a Pros and Cons List
To know whether the neighborhood where you have found attractive New York City condos or apartments that you like is one that would mesh well with what you are looking for, you have to know just what you are looking for. Making a list of what you want and what you do not want is the first step in coming to an understanding of where you would be most comfortable. If you have children, you may want to know the location of schools, parks and theaters. I you like to eat out and prefer to be within walking distance of a few restaurants or eateries, put that on your list. Parking convenience could also be a deal breaker for you. Jot down everything you can think of on your “pros and cons” list.

Go to the Source
Once you have an idea of what you want, go after the answers. Meeting the people that are already in the neighborhood and talking to them about what is good and bad about the location is a good beginning. That way you are going right to the source. New York City condos attract a lot of different people with a lot of different needs and desires. If one neighbor says he hates the location, ask why. It could be that it is because his favorite sports bar is too far away, which is something that would probably have no impact on your comfort. The same goes for if somebody says it is ideal. Ask why it is ideal for him.

Make Calls
Some neighborhoods where there are a lot of very nice New York City condos also attract the wrong kind of people. Living in high crime areas can increase your stress. Regardless how many alarms you install, there is always that fear that you will be the next person robbed, mugged or burglarized. Fortunately, police keep records of crimes and they are more than happy to give you statistics and information about the neighborhood you are considering moving your family to. Ask what types of crimes are common and how often the neighborhood is patrolled. Newspapers that print police logs are also a good source of information about how often the police are called to the neighborhood and what is listed as the reason for the call.

Take a Tour
Relaxing at a local park or walking along a hiking path in the neighborhood is a good way to find out if you would be comfortable in one of the New York City condos you are considering for your next home. Graffiti and litter can be an indication that people in the neighborhood have values that are different from yours. Drug deals and young people running amok could be another indication. While you are relaxing, look for the good. Good people just like you are everywhere, and these are likely the ones you will be associating with.

It is exciting to begin a new life in a brand new neighborhood. Be positive about everything you see, but be vigilant, too. This could be the neighborhood you have been hoping to find.


  1. The condos information is far better than others and I totally agree with it.
    Condo Price Singapore

  2. I loved NYC! I lived on both the UES and UWS, but they are far from cheap. I would check out Welleto.com to help you short list your options in NYC and all boroughs based on commute time and budget (among others options).
